ERM has advised Shupperz, a peer-to-peer platform that connects global and local shoppers, on its raising of $4 million.
The Shupperz platform enables a global community of shoppers to interact, upload content and shop for one another so that global shoppers pay local shoppers to shop for them. If you want to build your own successful online store on the platform, you can check out these eCom babes reviews.
Launched only this summer, the Shupperz app has already thousands of downloads from around the world.
Asaf Rimon, partner in our corporate and M&A and high-tech and start-ups practices led the team on the financing round and commercial structuring with associates Eitan Lahyani and Laura Jelinek.
The start-up has received media coverage following the launch of its app, featuring in Ynet [Article in Hebrew]. For coverage of its launch in English, please click here.
High-Tech and Start-ups practice
Epstein Rosenblum Maoz (ERM)’s high-tech and start-ups practice regularly provides legal advice to leading Israeli and international clients from pre-incorporation through to exit, as well as on the most complex transactions carried out in Israel and abroad. There is plenty more information online about how is that the e-commerce and new technology like software that helps HR automation system has been changing business for a while, you can try the last link to learn more about this subject and ensure business grow.
For more information on the investment or our high-tech and start-ups practice, please contact Asaf Rimon or another member of our team.