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Urban Renewal: “Create Certainty to Break Out of Stagnation”

The Duns 100 forum for senior legal professionals in the field of urban renewal convened to discuss the burning issues in the field. “If high-tech falters, the real estate industry will suffer the consequences.” All the updates from the conference.

Attorney Aharon Shimon, partner, Epstein Rosenblum Maoz (ERM): “In many neighborhoods that are designated for construction eviction, such as the Ramot Polin neighborhood in Jerusalem, there has not been sufficient municipal enforcement, and due to the housing crisis since it involves families with many children, and the lack of awareness of municipal laws, they have been carried out in apartments Extensions, additions and construction violations. Today, when these neighborhoods enter the procedures of urban renewal, the authorities have to take into account that these are large families and an addition of 25 square meters to the original apartment is no longer relevant. Unfortunately, we see projects that are stalled due to the rigid conduct of the authorities and as a result all parties lose. In my opinion, the policy of institutions The planning is one that should take into account all the parameters and find creative solutions.”

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