At the Eilat-Ilot Conference on Renewable Energy, Attorney Amnon Epstein called on regulators to provide protections to banks so that they can finance the transition to purchasing electricity from private producers. Yossi Dayan, Director General of the Ministry of Energy, also commented on the pursuit of purchasing generators: “It is not right to invest in generators and it is not an order the hour”.
Attorney Amnon Epstein, partner and head of the energy, infrastructure and climate department at Epstein Rosenblum Maoz (ERM) called on the regulator to facilitate the financing process for solar projects. 2025, the time has come for the Israeli companies to join the Electricity 100 project, which is designed to lead the Israeli economy to an economy of 100% electricity from renewable energy by the year 2048. For this to happen, the Israeli regulator needs to show involvement and provide protections to the banks so that they can finance the transition from electricity sales agreements with the electric company to agreements with private producers with a non-fixed electricity price. Similar to the concessions given in 2010 with the blossoming of the solar market in Israel, today the regulator is also required to facilitate the financing of the projects and promote bilateral agreements for the sale of electricity”.
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